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Het hele Jaar Feesten - Fall and Winter

the annual Waldorf Festivals
Dutch language, Celebrations around the World, Reading Book, Waldorf Books, and Illustrated
Het hele jaar feesten homepage

Het hele Jaar Feesten (autumn/winter)
Authors: Lisa Wade & Daan Rot
Editorial: Femke Boshuizen & Jaap Verheij
Series: (2) All Year Festivities (Spring/Summer)
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: October 2016
Publisher: Christofoor
EAN: 9789060387924
Price: €21.50 (HC)
Age: all ages

Het hele jaar feesten sidepicll

Het hele Jaar Feesten (The Whole Year of (Waldorf) Celebrations) by Lisa Wade and Daan Rot is a fun book for anyone who cares about the Waldorf School. Also, raising your children you would like to apply the Waldorf School's associated celebrations and insights about parenting, the book can be helpful. It tells you a lot about how Lisa Wade and Daan Rot do it and we enjoyed reading that.

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Furthermore, there are a number of recipes and crafts for each celebration included and of course we really like that too. All in all, a nice book for parents of Waldorf school children with beautiful photos and a lot of information. This book is sadly not available in the English language.

3 stars for Het hele Jaar Feesten (Waldorf celebrations all year round) - autumn & winter, from the snazzie readers!