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It's almost upon us!

Sinterklaas's arrival in Rotterdam
Info, Drawing & Colouring, and Sinterklaas
Sinterklaas in rotterdam 2014 sidepic

Program in Rotterdam, Saturday November 15
12:30 Start of the show on Willemsplein
13:30 The parade leaves Willemsplein
13:45 Arrival Witte de Withstraat
14:25 ArrivalNieuwe Binnenweg
14:50 Arrival Mauritsweg
15:00 Arrival Mauritsstraat
15:05 Arrival Aert van Nesstraat
15:15 Arrival Meent
15:25 The finale begins on Grote Kerkplein

Sinterklaas 2014

The day all kids from Rotterdam look forward to is Saturday november 15, 2014. Then the steamboat with Sinterklaas and his helpers arrives in Rotterdam for the 63th time. Are you coming? And who doesn't want a Pieten-diploma? This year you can earn one again, on the Grote Kerkplein, Rotterdam city centre from 12.30 p.m.

Sinterklaas 01
Sinterklaas 02
Sinterklaas 03

It's all so joyful and exciting, we can't wait!