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Het Jaartje Rond

for every month a nostalgic little verse
Dutch language, Picture Book, Waldorf Books, and Classic
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Het Jaartje Rond
Author: Martien Beversluis
Illustrator: Freddie Langeler
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: 1983 (1st edition 1928)
Publisher: Kluitman Brothers Alkmaar
EAN: 9789020686531
Price: € 20.95 (second hand, HC)
Age: 5 years old and up

Het jaartje rond sidepicll

Many years ago the Dutch Freddy Langeler illustrated Het Jaartje Rond, a picture book with poems by Martien Beversluis. The pictures in this book are filled with cute doll children, who have fun together all year round. Each month has it's own nostalgic verse and with it a beautiful, cozy picture of the doll children. Those pictures have all kinds of details that grandma recognizes, but the little monsters don't :))

Het jaartje rond 01
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Nevertheless, our young listeners enjoy looking at the sweet coloured pictures and we have a lot of fun with this old picture book (first published by the Gebroeders Kluitman in Alkmaar in 1928).

3 brightly shining stars for Het Jaartje Rond, from the little snazzie listeners and their readers!