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The Little Rijksmuseum

an impression for kids
Picture Book, Vacation and Weekend Trips, Art, informative and educational, and Museum Book
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The Little Rijksmuseum
Author: Rijksmuseum
Illustrator: Dik Zweekhorst
Original language: Dutch
Translated by: Singel Uitgeverijen
Published: March 2013
Publisher: Singel Uitgeverijen
ISBN13: 9789045114996
Price: 16.50 euro
Age group: 6 years and up


In 2013 the Dutch Rijksmuseum published this beautiful art book especially for kids. The book shows more than 120 works of art from their collection. Their creators are Rembrandt, Vermeer, Steen, Breitner, Van Gogh and other famous artists. It's never to soon for kids to meet some of the worlds most famous Dutch artists.

Het kleine rijksmuseum
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Don't forget to visit the museum with the kids and see the real art. Then you can pick up the book in the museum shop at the same time. Highly recommended, this piece of Dutch art history for kids!

3 radiant stars for The Little Rijks Museum!