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Het lied van de tijd

Jan Toorop
Dutch language, Summer, Picture Book, Art, informative and educational, and Museum Book
Het lied van de tijd sidepic

Jan Toorop - Het lied van de tijd
Author/Illustrator: Kitty Crowther
Series: Gemeente Museum The Hague
Original language: French
Translated into Dutch by: Studio Bos
Translated into English: not
Released: February 2016
Publisher: Leopold
EAN: 9789025869519
Price: € 15.99 (HC)
Age: 9 - 12 years

Het lied van de tijd sidepicll

Today we read The song of time, a part of the picture book series of the Haags Gemeente Museum. The museum publishes a picture book for every major exhibition. The book is illustrated by a well-known Dutch or Belgian illustrator in the style of the artist concerned.

Kitty Crowther illustrated this book about Jan Toorop and we really like it! For some stories, the smallest monsters are still too young, but then we look at the pictures. After which they usually immediately want to draw or paint. :))

Het lied van de tijd 01
Het lied van de tijd 02
Het lied van de tijd 03
Het lied van de tijd 04

The coloured lines inspire, another beautiful addition to the series. We are happy with the book.

3 dancing stars for Jan Toorop - The song of the times, from the mini-listeners and their readers!