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Het nieuwe sinterklaasspel sidepic

What do you need?
old roll of wallpaper
pencil and ruler
colouring pencils
felt tip pens
Sinterklaas figures (HEMA)
coloured paper squares (HEMA)
numbers-template (HEMA)

Het nieuwe sinterklaasspel sidepicll

Because the old Sinterklaas game is really ready for retirement, we make a new game to play on Pakjesavond. The first players are now grown up but the mini-monsters help out! Download our game rules or make your own.

How to make the new Sinterklaas game

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Roll out the wallpaper, cut it off the size of the table.

Draw a block of houses onto the wallpaper with pencil and ruler.

Draw 1 roof over all the houses, the whole length of the street.

Draw a ladder or stairs on the beginning of the houses.

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Draw doors and windows on the houses with pencil and ruler.

Now you can start colouring, the youngest mini-monsters start immediately!

We only colour contours, it looks nice and it is less work.

Give the game many details, for example make roof tiles, door numbers, doorknobs and doorbells. Give the boxes to the chimney a different color, to make it clear: choose a package!

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Next to the house a high tree, under the ladder grass.

Draw chimneys on the roof, they are essential to play the game.

Stick the Sinterklaas figures on the game where you like.

Colour the houses, hang curtains, potted plants, cats etc.

  • Draw lines from chimney to chimney, divide the open space in boxes
  • Write numbers in the boxes using a template the give the numbers a cheerful colour
  • Cut gifts out of the paper squares and stick them on the chimneys, in the hands of the figures and around the houses
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You can make your own pawns, use playmobile or Lego figures and you need dice, then you're done. We are very much looking forward to Pakjesavond, let's hope that the Sint and his Piets bring lots of presents!

Have fun on Pakjesavond!