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Het raadsel van de paashaas

by Jennine Staring and Marthe Ridderbos
Dutch language, Celebrations around the World, Picture Book, Waldorf Books, Animal Books, and Easter
Het raadsel van de paashaas sidepic

Het raadsel van de paashaas
Author: Jeninne Staring
Illustrator: Marthe Ridderbos
Original language: Dutch
Published: February 2017
Publisher: Cristofoor
ISBN13: 978906038811
Price: € 14.50 (HC)
Age: 3 years and up

Het raadsel van de paashaas sidepicll
Het raadsel van de paashaas (The secret of the Easter Bunny) by Dutch author Jeninne Staring is another wonderful book published by Christofoor Publishers. In her stories for young children you will not find any fear or sadness because love and cosiness are her priority. We completely agree with her on this and that is why we love to read her books to our toddlers.
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The beautiful drawings with which the book is illustrated are by Marthe Ridderbos. The pencil drawings are softly colored, perfectly in tune with the sweet story. We enjoy reding the book too because of the the fun it gives the little ones!

3 soft shining stars for Het raadsel van de paashaas (The secretof the Easter Bunny), from our youngest listeners and the readers!