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The Story of the Root Children

a story by Sibylle von Olfers
Spring, Picture Book, Waldorf Books, Classic, and Fairy Tales
Het verhaal van de wortelkindertjes sidepic

The Story of the Root Children
Author/Illustrator: Sibylle Von Olfers
Original language: German
Translated into English: Floris Books
Published: May 2009
Publisher:  Floris Books
ISBN: 9781782507543
Price: € 7.36 (HC)
Age: 4 years old and up

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The Story of the Root Children by Sibylle von Olfsen is probably the most famous and most beloved picture book she wrote. In  Januari of this year a reprint in Dutch was published. but we have the English version on our bookshelf, for many years,

We also love the other picture books Sibylle von Olfers made, they are also very beautiful. The story of the little flower children who have to wake up after winter and thus herald the beginning of spring perhaps appeals the most to the imagination.

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This picture book is well beloved worldwide and not only by parents who live according to Anthroposophical teachings or at the Waldorf schools. Although it is read every year to the little monsters at their school. But also simply because the picture book is so beautiful, the story and the illustrations.

3 bright shining stars for The Story of the Root Children, our Little listenerss and their readers!