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Het vrolijke stadsdieren (The Cheerful City Animals)

book with flaps
Picture Book, Animal Books, Board Book, and Pop Up / Flaps Book
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Het vrolijke stadsdieren flapjesboek
(The Cheerful City Animals Flaps Book)
Author/Illustrator: Noox City Kids
Original language: Dutch
Traslated into English: not
Published: March 2020
Publisher: White Lion
EAN: 9789492901569
Price: € 9.50 (cardboard book)
Age: 3 years and up

Het vrolijke stadsdieren flapjesboek sidepic

Het vrolijke stadsdieren flapjesboek (The cheerful city animals flaps book) is indeed a very cheerful picture book for our youngest mini-monsters, with many cute flaps and with fresh modern illustrations. The drawings are sleek and in sober colours, made with great attention to detail and cute surprises behind the flaps. The mini monsters love it!

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We we look at the pictures we think we recognize some images as in our hometown, Rotterdam. That makes the book extra funny to the young mini-monsters because the also recognize certain places that are very familiar to us, like Blijdorp Zoo. (At least, we think so, but maybe people in Amsterdam think the same). Sadly the book is not translated into English!

3 bright shining stars for Het vrolijke stadsdieren flapjesboek (The cheerful City Animals Flap Book), from the lirrle monsters and the readers!