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The solar system

on your ceiling
Painting, Space Crafts, and Science
Solar system sidepic
What do you need?
9 styrofoam balls, various sizes
acrylic paint, various colours
wooden skewers
transparent printer sheet
nylon thread
tiny beads
big circle, willow branche
Solar system home

The solar system continues to  fascinate the kids, especially since we read Professor Astro Cat, so we make a new one. We love to paint, it's always fun. Please mind the paint and glue dry thoroughly after each new layer!

De big ratan circle we still had from an old mosquito net. If you haven't a cicle you can simply make one out of a willow branch.

How to make a solar system

Solar system 01
Solar system 02
Solar system 03
Solar system 04

Find 9 balls for the big and small planets + 1 for the sun.

Stick the balls firmly on the skewers, it paints easily.

Mix colours if neccesary, give all planets a base coat.

Place the skewers with the the planets in high cups to dry.

Solar system 05
Solar system 06
Solar system 07

Put the cups aside, allow the paint time to dry well.

Draw circles on the printer sheet, one with points, the sun

Cut them out, cut Saturnand Uranus in halves.

Solar system 08
Solar system 09
Solar system 10
Solar system 11

Paint the halves on the inside, allow time to dry.

Touch the other planets up with silver or a matching colour.

Glue the halves on the rings when the paint is dry.

Paint some green on Earth, some orange on Mars,

Solar system 12
Solar system 13
Solar system 14

Has Saturn turned out not right, we thinly paint on a new layer.

We mix ocher with some white and a drop of yellow, that's better.

Paint the sun yellow, let it dry then brush some gold paint on.

Solar system 15
Solar system homepage

String the planets on nylon threads then tie a bead to the end.

Tie the planets to the circle, tie threads to hang the circle on.

Perfect, the kids are so happy with it!