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Here's the Easter Bunny

we make a hand puppet
Easter, Sewing and embroidery, and Animal Crafts
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What do you need?
print the pattern
piece of fleece, off white or light brown
piece of pink fleece (inside ear)
thread and needle or
sewing machine
pieces of felt, to make a face

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We make a hand puppet for the mini-monsters, an Easter bunny. You can play with it and it will bring you Easter eggs... With our pattern it is made in no time, you can sew it by hand or on the sewing machine. We prefer by hand, although it will take a little longer, we love sewing by hand! Download and print the pattern on the PDF. Please note! The pattern is the size of a childs hand!

How to make the Easter Bunny

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Cut out the pattern.

Pin the pattern on the fabric.

Cut out the fabric.

Cut out all the parts.

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Sew the inside of the ears on.

Cut out the stuffing for the ears.

Pin the stuffing between the ears.

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Sew the ears together.

Pin the ears between the head.

Sew the outline of the bunny.

Turn the bynny's good side out.

The Easter bunny is fun already without a face, but you can also make a face out of pieces of felt and pompoms

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Cut a face for the Easter Bunny, sew or glue it on.

Optional: sew a basket for the Easter Bunny.

Happy Easter!