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How is the kitchen garden?

and how are the fruits?
Kitchen Garden, Spring, Waldorf crafts, Sowing and planting, Harvesting, and Learn while playing

The red currant bush is planted more than 10 years ago but the bluberry and the raspberry bush were planted 2 years ago. The first year you know not to expect much berries. But the second year there were high expectations ... which unfortunately did not work out. The rasberrie bush did better than expected but the blueberry gave exactly 3 berries, a bit disappointing. It look likes this year our expectations will come true, but we must not get our hopes up too early...

Raspberries side
Berries middle
Red currants side

On April 7 the berry bushes looked like this

Blueberries 01
Raspberries 01
Red currants 01

Blueberry (Yellow bush)


Red currant

on April 24 ....

Blueberries 02
Raspberries 02
Red currants 02

There appear little flowers in the blue berry bush, those will be berries.

The raspberry bush grows by the day, it fans out pretty now.

The green currants are found by the birds, we need to put a net on.

and on May 3 ...

Blueberries 03
Raspberries 03
Red currants 03

The little flowers make way for blue hulls, berries will be the next fase.

The first minuscule 3D raspberries are shaping, they grow fast!

The currants are getting big but colouring fully red takes a little longer.

Last year we had 2 blueberries on the bush to be exact, a bit disappointing. The red currants were snatched by birds before dawn, so there was not much left for us to pick. Only the raspberry gave berries in abundance until the very end of the fall. They tasted superb fresh from the bush, sweet and unsprayed.

We have our hopes up for this year, we can see already there will be a good amount of berries to pick. Just have to be quick enough to beat the birds to it ;)