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How are the

seedlings doing now?
Kitchen Garden and Sowing and planting
Diverse zaden sidepic

We sowed:

  • cucumber
  • tomato
  • bell pepper
  • flat parsley
  • basil

bell pepper >>>
Zaailingen seedlings sidepic
Our cultivation pots are doing well, but the average 15 days to germinate - as stated on the packaging - is not correct. We made the cultivation pots ourselves olast February 21st and sowed cucumber, bell pepper and tomato in them. In 2 stone pots we sowed basil and flat parsley. Today, on March 21st, we publish the first pictures, when there is progress we will add pictures.

March 21

Zaailingen seedlings01
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After exactly 4 weeks waiting the first sprigs appear in the pots, it is the cucumbers who are first to sprout! The tomatoes and bell peppers are still invisible for now and the parsley (needs 30 days) does not show either. But in the basil pot we detect a tiny bit of green green sticking out of the soil.

March 23 - March 25

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March 23: days later the cucumbers are getting bigger and the basil is very visible now but still there is nothing else to see.

March 25: Next to the cucumbers some green sprouts come up, take a good look, it's the tomatoes!

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Zaailingen seedlings10

03-25 The parsley is finaly showing up too.

03-28 Here come the tomatoes!

03-28 The parsley catches up with the basil.

Unfortunately still no bell peppers in sight, but we did not have much sun. Hopefully it will still work, without lamps for warmth. Next month more pictures!

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Zaailingen seedlings12

Today is Wednesday, april 3 and here they are, the Bell Peppers!