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How is the kitchen garden?

just great!
Kitchen Garden, Info, Waldorf crafts, Sowing and planting, Harvesting, and Learn while playing
Moestuin sidep

What do you need?
biodegredable culture pots
sowing and cultivation soil
(organic) seeds

Moestuin sidep ll

Last year we sowed (a lot of) tomatoes, carrots, dandelion salad, spring onions and strawberries. The carrots and tomatoes were a succes. The dandelion salad grew like wildfire which the snails appreciated very much! So we did not ate very much salad, of course we did not want to murder an entire snail family.


The spring onions did not do well, we think our garden box is not deep enough for the tall spring onions. The strawberrie grew big but did not bear fruit, alas. You win some, loose some ;)


Because your veg grows better if every year you move them up a space in the kitchen garden, we sowed different seeds this year, except for radish (to good!). Not because the move, (that does not matter) but because we like to try out growing new types of vegetables.


This year we tried mixed-lettuce from the free Albert Heijn moestuintjes. For the first time, because we prefer ecological seeds. In the pictures you see the growth of the mixed lettuce stayed behind compared to the other seedlings. For cultivation pots we did use AH's this year.


Moestuin radijs 01
Moestuin radijs 02
Moestuin radijs 03

After app. seven days the radishes come  above ground.

Repot the radishes if the seedlings are 3-4cm high.

Radishes are ready to harvest app. 8 weeks after sowing.


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Moestuin venkel 02
Moestuin venkel radijs 03
Moestuin venkel 03

The fennel seeds geminate after about 10 to 14 days. Repot at 3cm.

The fennel grows slowly, it takes app. 90 days to harvest.

You can sew fennel directly in the garden, it will come back every year.

But then you have to wait until May 15, after the Ice Saints.

mixed lettuce

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Moestuin slamix 02
Moestuin promo

It takes 10 - 14 days before you see a tiny blade of lettuce appear above ground.

When the mixed lettuce is 4cm high repot, repot still in the germination pot.

Repot the salad after 2 weeks, harvest after 8 weeks. We're curious!!

beet root

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Moestuin biet 01
Moestuin biet 02

This year we are sowing beetroot for the first time. so glad there's youtube.com.

The beet roots germinate after app. 10 - 12 days. Harvest after 12 weeks.

Repot the beet roots when they are 3cm high, preferably straight into the garden.


  • Place the cultivating pots on a saucer and water them on on the saucer. The pots should be moist at all time.
  • Sew every 4 weeks in stead of sowing all the seeds at once, then you can harvest regularly.
  • Take good care of your plants when in the garden, water them regularly. If sunny water more often. Remove weeds and snails.
  • Sow your pumpkins for Halloween now, sow them directly into the garden.
  • Today all the plants can go outside and be replanted into the kitchen garden.
  • Google if you have questions. Or check out http://www.youtube.com or http://http://wikihow.com

We owe you a lot more garden news: the move outside of the vegetable seedlings and the sowing of the pumpkins. And how are the raspberries, blue berries and the grapes we planted last year doing? Wat about the herbs we kept over this winter, do they look good? Read all about it in our next garden blog.