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How Humans Took Over The world

A masterpiece by Yuval Noah Harari & Ricard Zaplana Ruiz
Reading Book, History, Science, and informative and educational
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How Humans Took Over the World -
Unstoppable Us 1

Author: Yuval Noah Harari
Illustrator: Ricard Zaplana Ruiz
Series: Unstoppable Us 1 and 2
Original language: English
Published: Oktober 2022
Publisher: Puffin Books
ISBN13: 9780241596081
Price: €17.99 (HC)
Age: 10 years old and up

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Israeli professor Yuval Noah Harari is a historian, philosopher and writer, graduated from Harvard. The books he has written are praised worldwide and not least by the least. In America, President Obama and Bill Gates praised his books, just as in Europe, President Macron in France, Angela Merkel in Germany and Mark Rutte here, among others. They read his book for adults like Sapiens A Bief History of Mankind.

We read Unstoppable Us 1 - How Humans took over the World, the young adult version. In this book, Yuval Noah Harari tells how we - mankind - became the boss of the entire world from an animal - that lived like every other animal - on earth. If you like to read and learn, you are now wondering, yes! How did that actually happen?

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In our book of today, the exciting story of humanity is told in an understandable and compelling way for teenagers. Professor Harari does not tell it in a childish way and that makes the book so beautiful to read. In addition to the important text, the book has beautiful illustrations by Ricard Zaplana Ruiz.

We don't have enough stars for this fun, important, brilliant book, we would like to tell you all to read it quickly. Part II has already been published.
3+ stars for Unstoppable Us - How Humans Took Over the World,  from all the snazzie readers!