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Hollow out a turnip

Martinmas is coming!
Waldorf crafts, Celebrations around the World, Natural materials, and Lantern
Knollen hollen sidepic

What do you need?
a turnip
a sharp knife
a melon ball cutter
a pen
2 gouges
cutting pliers
piece of wire
a stick
a paperclip

Knollen hollen sidepiclll

This year we are hollowing out a turnip in the traditional way, tomorrow it is Martenmas. This is a precise job with sharp tools so it must be done by an adult. You also have to have a lot of patience for it! For the children, the fun only begins when they can go outside in the twilight singing with their lantern. Isn't that a beautiful sight in the dark...

How to make a Martinmas lantern

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Cut the bottom straight.

Cut a zigzag around the top

That's how you saw off a lid.

Hollow out the turnip.

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Make the wall +/- 1cm thick.

Draw figures on the outside wall.

Cut out the figures using a gouge.

Be careful not to cut out the figures through and through with the gouge, leave a thin wall for pretty yellow light
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Check now and then if the light shines through.

We cut a cricle out of the lid on top.

Otherwise the tealight will burn a hole in it.

Wrap the turnip in a moist tea towel.

Keep the turnip in the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator until tomorrow

Day 2

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Unwrap the turnip and poke in holes.

Put in the tealight or a beeswax candle.

Lace the wire through the holes.

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Stick and glue a paperclip in the stick.

Now we light the candle and we wait for the dark.

Wishing you lots of fun tonight!