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Hollow Knight

do you know him already?
Wool Felt, Sewing, and Dolls
Hollow knight sidepic

What do you need?
piece of white fleece (fabric)
black felt
dark blue felt
matching colors of yarn
needle and/or sewing machine
sheep's wool filling
piece of silver cardboard
pair of scissors

Hollow knight homepage

Our little monster is playing a new (to him) computer game called Hollow Knight. The game has an exciting story and beautiful artwork. But above all a little hero who has to fight to save the empire from destruction.

That downfall comes due to an infection - caused by an evil figure - that turns all the empire's inhabitants into evil beings. The little hero (the Hollow Knight) has to fight that infection with your help. Very exciting! Today we are making a Hollow Knight plushie.

How to make the Hollow Knight

Download the patter, print it and cut it out

Hollow knight 01
Hollow knight 02
Hollow knight 03
Hollow knight 04

Pin the pattern on the fabric.

Cut it out.

Repeat this, you need 2 of each.

Pin the parts together.

It doesn't matter for the felt, but pin the fleece fabric with the 'good' side inward (with the smooth side out)

Hollow knight 05
Hollow knight 06
Hollow knight 07

You can see already how the Hollow Knight will look.

Sew the head by hand or sewing machine.

Leave the underside of the head open.

Turn the head inside out, fill it with wool and fold the bottom inward, put it aside for now

How to make the body

Hollow knight 08
Hollow knight 09
Hollow knight 10
Hollow knight 11

Sew the body by hand.

Leave the neck open.

Turn the body inside out.

Stuff the body with the wool.

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Hollow knight 13
Hollow knight 14
Slide the neck into the head, sew head and body closed in one sew.

Cut the eyes out of black felt and sew them on the head.

Cut a frayed cape out of night blue felt and sew it on the Hollow Knight.

Hollow knight 15
Hollow knight sidepicll

Cut the Hollow Knight's sword out of silver coloured cardboard.

Put the sword in the cape, on the back of our little hero.

Have fun with your Hollow Knight plushie!