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Homemade churros

yummie on Canival!
Birthday, Waldorf recipes, Spanish, Celebrations around the World, Snacks, and Treat
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sunflower oil, to deep fry
125 ml water
50g caster sugar
75g vegetable margarine
200g flour
¼ teaspoon baking powder
1 free range organic egg
icing sugar, to sprinkle

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Tomorrow is the sart of Canival so we looked for a tasty recipe. The mini-monsters choose churros and just as tasty as in the Zoo please .Making your own churros was new to us, but it turned out to be easy peasy. This is a recipe for adults to make. Kids can help to make bags, sprinkle sugar and eat the churros but keep them away from the deep fat fryer!

How to make Churros

Heat the oil in the deep fat fryer to 150°C

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Bring the water with sugar and butter to the boil,

Remove the pan from the stove when the sugar is dissolved.

Weigh the flour and measure the baking powder, join together.

Add it to the pan and stir it in firmly.

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Add the egg, beat the batter smooth & glossy.

Here the disposable piping bag failed!

But the cotton one worked excellent!

How to bake Churros, but be careful, hot!

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Churros 10

Check the oil temperature with a piece of bread.

Dip scissors into the hot oil, cut the churros off with it.

Bake the churros in 5-6 minutes a nice golden brown.

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Drain the Churros on kitchen paper and bake more.

Sprinkle the Churros generously with icing sugar!

We wish you a great Carnival and enjoy the churros!