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Homemade Gingerbread men

in Dutch: peperkoekmannetjes
Waldorf recipes, British, American, Christmas, Biscuits, Celebrations around the World, and Treat
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175g flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 tspoons ground cinnamon / 1 ginger
65g cold butter in cubes
85g muscovado sugar
1 free range egg
2 tablespoons golden syrup
red, white and green icing
red, white and green fondant icing

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Today we bake gingerbread men, as in the well-known story. The gingerbread men are made of gingerbread dough ;) nice and wintery spicy! We'll decorate them with icing for the mini-monsters, they'll love it! You do need a cookie cutter, as you can see at the top left of the photo.

How to make gingerbread men

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Sieve the flour in a big bowl.

Add the baking soda.

Also add the spices.

And the butter cubes.

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Weigh the sugar and add it.

Break the egg in a little bowl.

Whisk the syrup in light until combined.

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Pour the egg mix in the big bowl.

Mix with the special hooks.

Knead the crumbs by hand.

Wrap the dough in cling film.

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Put it in the fridge for half an hour.

Roll the cold dough out until it's 1 cm thick.

Cut out the shapes.

Preheat the oven to 190°c.

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Gingerbread men home

Bake the cookies for 12 to 15 minutes and let them cool on a wire rack.

Be creative decorating with icing and fondant icing. Sweet!