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Homemade Cream Buns

taste the best!
Summer, Baking buns and rolls, and Picnic Dishes
Puddingbroodjes sidepic

Shopping list
150 ml lukewarm milk
5 grams dried yeast
250 grams plain flour
2 teaspoons white caster sugar
1 teaspoon salt
20 grams soft butter + extra
1 free-range organic egg, beaten
patisserie cream
powdered sugar to taste

Puddingbroodjes sidepicll

 J bakes cream buns because we all like them very much! But you may want to start a day early, like we did. We made the pastry cream yesterday already and kept it overnight in the fridge. Just stir it well and the cream is ready to pipe on. The rolls are not difficult to make but you need a lot of patience. In total they should rise for 2 hours and 15 minutes. Don't worry, in the meantime you can make the pastry cream. ;)

How to make real cream buns

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Heat the milk to lukewarm.

Stir a splash with the yeast.

Set it aside for 10 minutes.

Put flour, salt, sugar and butter in the mixer.

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Make a well and start the mixing.

Gradually add the milk.

Until you have a supple dough.

Shape the dough into a ball, place it in a clean bowl and cover it with a dishcloth

Meanwhile place a sheet of waxed paper on the baking tray

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Let the dough rise for 1 hour in a warm place.

Then the dough should have twice the volume.

Roll it into 6 - 8 equal balls and place on the baking tray.

Cover the buns with a dish cloth.

  • let the buns rise for 15 minutes
  • roll into an oval an then press a well in the middle
  • brush a little oil in the well and fold the buns in half
  • allow the buns to rise again for 1 our or until doubled in size

Preheat the oven to 240°C / 220°C Fan

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The buns have risen.

Brush the buns with beaten egg.

Bake them in 10 minutes golden.

Spread butter over the buns.

Allow the buns to cool some on the baking tray

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Then transfer to a wire rack.

Cut or pull the buns open.

Fill a piping bag with the cream.

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Puddingbroodjes home

Pipe the pudding on the buns in stripes and close them.

Sprinkle icing sugar to taste on top of the buns.
