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A Hot Elvis toastie

The king's favorite snack!
Lunch, Sandwich, American, With fresh fruit, Picnic Dishes, and Snacks
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Shopping list
2 slices white bread
2 teaspoons butter
1 tablespoon golden caster sugar
½ teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons peanut butter (crunchy)
1 ripe banana
2 teaspoons clear honey
icing sugar
1 ball vanilla ice cream, to serve

Hot elvis toastie sidepicll

Elvis' favorite snack was not exactly healthy but with some minor changes the mini monsters like it very much. On the shopping list above are the original ingredients and on the PDF you find the complete original recipe as well as ours, below just our adapted version. The choice is yours!

How to make an adapted Hot Elvis toastie

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Spread thinly honey on 1 slice, peanut butter on the other.

Place the thick banana slices on the peanut butter.

Press the bread together then scrape a little butter on top.

Press the bread in the sandwich maker, toast until golden.

Hot elvis toastie home
Hot elvis toastie 06

Sprinkle some icing sugar on top of the toastie.

Eat it right away but careful, this toastie is hot!

The vanilla ice cream we save for special occasions ;)