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Iced Rings

a retro biscuit from the United Kingdom
Birthday, British, Frosting / Fondant Icing / (Butter) Cream , Biscuits, and Treat
Iced rings sidepic

Shopping list
75g unsalted butter, soft
125 g flour, plus extra
25g cornflour
60 g caster sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 free range organic egg yolk

400g royal icing sugar
60g pasteurized egg white
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
food coloring:
pink; orange; yellow; purple

We make iced rings, very tasty retro biscuits from England. The fun colors of the glaze make them also perfect for Father's Day, because it will be June 18 before you know it! We only have two icing colours left, so we'll make do with them, but they're even more fun in 4 colors!

How to make iced rings

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Put all the coekie ingredients in the mixer bowl, except the egg.

Mix it all together, into crumbs and then add the egg.

Mix a moment until it forms into a coarse dough.

Knead the dough by hand for a moment.

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Shape the dough into a flat disc.

Wrap the dough in cling film.

Put the dough in the freezer.

Let the dough rest in the freezer for 5 minutes and in the meantime sprinkle a baking mat or baking paper with flour

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Roll out the dough, to the thickness of a 1 euro coin.

Cut out circles and cut circles from the center

Let the biscuits also rest in the freezer for 5 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 200°C / 180°C Fan and place baking paper on the baking tray

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Bake for 10-12 minutes until light golden brown.

Let the cookies cool on the baking tray for 5 minutes.

Place them on a wire rack to cool completely.

Beat the sugar with the egg whites into a thick liquid.

Also add the lemon juice while whipping the icing

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Divide it over the bowls and colour it.

Dip the rings into the icing.

Pipe white icing lines on top.

Pull a cocktail stick through the white icing lines to get a feathery effect, but work fast because the icing dries quickly

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Iced rings homepage

Allow the icing to set completely.

Because it is not yet Father's Day we use the pretty pink china ;))

We wish you in advance a Happy Father's Day!