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Ik ken al 25 bomen

it's still Childrens Book Week!
Autumn and Nature
Ik ken al 25 bomen sidepic

Ik ken al 25 bomen (I already know 25 trees)
Author/Illustrator: Björn Bergenholtz
Series: 4 parts, mushrooms, flowers, birds
Original language: Swedish
Translated into English by: not
Published: 2012
Publisher: Gottmer Publishers Group
ISBN13: 9789025752774
Price: € 19.95 (HC) (second hand only)
Age: 4-12 years

Ik ken al 25 bomen sidepicll

Today - in the context of Children's Book Week 2022 - Ik ken al 25 bomen (I already know 25 trees) by the Swedish writer/illustrator Bjorn Bergenholtz. If you are looking for a fun non-fiction book series about nature for children, then these books are for you. We have had them in the bookcase for some years and the mini-monsters really like them. They learn a lot from these books in a playful way.


Ik ken al 25 bomen 01
Ik ken al 25 bomen 02
Ik ken al 25 bomen 03

With the Gi-ga-green theme of this children's book week, we want to bring this series to your attention (the other parts have been on snazzie for a while already). Because the information is so to the point and very understandable, especially for younger children and the attractive illustrations make the story even more visual for them. Great books, but unfortunately only to be found second-hand and not translated into English.

3 bright shining stars for Ik ken al 25 bomen (I already know 25 trees), from the mini-monsters!