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In Ancient Egypt

people made their own paper
Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, Recycling, History, Science, and Learn while playing
Papyrus maken sidepic

What do you need?
brown paper sandwich bags
50 ml white craft glue (Action)
50 mlf water
1 sheet of parchment paper
a bowl
a stir stick
soft pastel or
crayons or
felt tip pens

Papyrus maken sidepicll

The ancient Egyptians did not write in a notebook! No, they made papyrus themselves and then wrote or drew on it. They also didn't write letters like we do, but they did have an alphabet. They wrote in pictures, which are called hieroglyphics.

Today we make papyrus ourselves, not exactly as in ancient Egypt, but approximately. You can download the Ancient Egyptian alphabet and write or you can make a beautiful drawing on your papyrus.

Here is how you make papyrus

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Tear 2 or 3 sandwich bags in strips.

Unfold the strips to get longer paper strips.

Measure out glue and water and pour it in a bowl.

Stir the glue and water until well combined.

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Put out a sheet of baking paper.

Soak the strips in the glue mixture.

Place the strips lengthwise on the waxed paper.

As you take the strips out of the glue mixture, pull the strips of paper between your thumb and forefinger to remove the excess glue

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Stop when your papyrus is wide enough.

Soak the rest of the strips and put then on top widthwise.

Dry the papyrus for 24 hours then peel off the waxed paper.

Put a pile of heavy books on top to prevent it from curling.

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Papyrus maken homepage

Now you can draw or write on your papyrus, we chose the god Thoth, with the Ibis head.

When your drawing is coloured you can write your name on it, in hieroglyphs.

Have fun with this craft!