Indianen (Indians)
Author: Susan Boshouwers
Illustrator: Marjolein Hund
Series: Willewete
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: October 2012
Publisher: Clavis
EAN: 9789044816846
Price: €19.95 (HC)
Age: 5 years old and up
The willewete series is very popular at Snazzie, our monsters learned about the life of the Ancient Greeks, Romans and Knights and today we read to them about Indians. They know little about how Indians lived and it really appeals to them. Living in tents and being close to nature, it is good for our youngest to learn about this with this informative picture book.
The information is given in a fun way and supplemented with facts by Susan Boshouwers. The beautiful illustrations by Marjolijn Hund make the book extra attractive to read aloud. An older but super fun part of the Willewete series! 3 shining stars for Indians - Willewete, from the local listeners and readers.
3 bright shining stars for Indianen (Indians) - Willewete, from the little listeners and their readers.