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Mild Indian curry

with coconut milk, beef and egg plant
Main Courses, Asian, With fresh vegetables, Beef, and Sauces

Shopping list
300 gram beef steak into cubes
250g cherry tomatoes
1 aubergine
fine sea salt to taste
30g Tika masala
a can of coconut milk
100 grams of Basmati rice p.p
4 tablespoons vegetable oil


Today a medium spicy Indian curry with basmati rice to end the month with. It is quickly ready and using a jar of herbal paste makes it super easy, especially if the butcher cuts the steak into cubes for you. An ideal weekend dish!


How to make a medium spicy curry


Dice the egg plant and sprinkle some salt on it. Halve the tomatoes.

Heat two tablespoons sunflower oil in a big frying pan or wok.

Fry the steak in three minutes medium rare. Keep the meat warm on a rechaud.


Fry the egg plant cubes.

Add the tomatoes after 3 minutes.

Fry it for 1 minute and add the herbal paste.


Pour in the coconut milk and leave the mixture to warm 6-10 minutes.

Stir in the beef with the vegetable sauce and serve the curry right away.