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Jawlensky Haar ogen

an art book from Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Dutch language, Art, informative and educational, and Museum Book
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Jawlensky - Her eyes
Author: Bette Westera
Illustrator: Sylvia Weve
Series: Kunstmuseum Den Haag
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: September 2018
Publisher: Leopold
EAN: 9789025875497
Price: €16.99 (HC)
Age: 6 years and up

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The story of the originally Russian artist Alexej von Jawlensky is a moving story, that starts when he is still a little boy. The picture book is called Jawlensky - haar ogen (Her eyes) and the story is beautifully told by Bette Westera, The brilliant, colourful drawings by Sylvia Weve, more or less in the style of Jawlensky, give atmosphere and depth to the story.

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Another beautiful picture book in the extensive series of art picture books by Art Museum The Hague. We can't get enough of it. After so much inspiration we all want to draw and paint, 

3 bright shining stars for Jawlensky - Haar ogen (her eyes), from the little listeners and their readers!