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Jeugdpaspoort Vakantieuitje

a scavenger hunt at Trompenburg
Info, Summer, and Vacation and Weekend Trips
Jeugd vakantie paspoort home

Trompenburg Tuinen & Arboretum
Honingerdijk 86 (beneden),
3062 NX, Rotterdam
Tel: 010 – 233 01 66

E-mail: tuin@trompenburg.nl
Facebook: www.facebook.com/trompenburgtuinen
Website: https://trompenburg.nl/

Book your tickets and timeslot here

Today we are going to Arboretum Trompenburg with our Vacation Youth Passport, our second passport outing of this Summer holiday. Last year - the first time that Puk got a youth holiday passport - we did a fun, exciting treasure hunt here. Let's see what Arboretum Trompenburg has come up with for us this Summer holiday!

Again we are not disappointed! When we check in with the passport, the friendly lady gives us a map with 6 treasure chests. We have to look for those boxes and when we find them, there is an assignment in them. We are excited!

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We soon find the first box, it is on the forecourt where you enter, you can't miss it! We read that the assignments are about Biodiversity. A very important subject for a garden and for the city of Rotterdam. But quite difficult to explain to toddlers!

That is why the choice fell on a free app to explain to young children what biodiversity is. So you have to download the app on your phone before you start. The assignments we are going to do make the importance even more clear. So we are in for an educational, exciting and fun morning!
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With the map in hand, we are looking for chest number two. On the way we come across all kinds of beautiful things that you don't see every day, such as pink water lilies and a summer mushroom. :)) Then we find the second chest and when we open it we need the app, because what are all those blocks doing in the chest? That you have to find out yourself!

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 Then we move on, we look for the box with the flower on the map. We have to look closely at the map to see which way we have to go.

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We love to and often do visit the Trompenburg Gardens. They are beautiful in all months of the year and we see all kinds of special trees, plants, flowers and also animals. Such a large part of beautiful nature in the middle of a port city like Rotterdam is very special! That is why Puk has known the Koi Carps since very early childhood and he still finds them fascinating. When he is at the water's edge, they always swim curiously closer.

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Looking for the third treasure chest we see a beautiful mossy statue and a bush with a lot of pink pom pons on it, but coming close they are real flowers! We see cheerful yellow lilies and a very unusual plant.
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Here we see a lot of old familiar plants, the Begonia's. The old fashioned border plant which is very hip again today, in various sorts and the prettiest colours. We also see the chest we are looking for. We do not tell you what the assignment is, you have to figure it out for yourself.

We don't have to walk far to find the fourth chest, but we do have to read the map carefully. Of course we do not give the assignment away, we only tell you that you have to have a good nose for it.

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On we go again, looking for box number 5! Now we have to take a brisk walk, but luckily for Puk there is so much beauty to see that his little legs walk a long way unnoticed.

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But then...water in sight and also chest number 5! Only small water creatures swim here, which you have to scoop out of the water, so you can observe them well. After that you carefully have to slide them out, back into the water.

This was a very fun adventure! But now we have to start looking for the very last treasure chest, where is the map?

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In a very secretive piece of forest in the Trompenburg Gardens we find the very last box with the very last assignment, super fun and at the same time also a pity! Puk does his best on it, paper and pencils can be found in the box. Guess what the assignment is or go to the Trompenburg Gardens yourself, then you know it too. But first make a reservation online!

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Now that all the assignments are done, we walk on to the Tea House for tea and a nice organic ice cream for Puk. We have deserved it! After our tea break we pass the most beautiful flowers on our way to the exit, time is up.

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Puk gets his passport stamped and then we go on home. There's the stamp already, a beautiful green tree. We also receive a colouring page with a scan code, to learn what you can contribute to biodiversity in Rotterdam. Fun for kids to take part in!

Just like the Public Platform Biodiversity Rotterdam does, together with Diergaarde Blijdorp, Botanical Garden Afrikaanderwijk, The Natural History Museum, Erasmus University College, Bureau Stadsnatuur and Trompenburg Tuinen & Arboretum.

It was lovely morning, we had a lot of fun today!