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Vegetarian burgers?

Even the kids love them!
Dutch, Sandwich, Main Courses, Burgers, With Cheese, With fresh vegetables, Sauces, and Vegetarian
Vegetarian burger side

Vegetarian burgers for four persons
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
3 onions
1 garlic clove
sea salt & black pepper
400g tomatoe, can
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
4 portobello mushrooms
250g mozzarella
100g ripe parmesan, grated
4 burger buns
handful of fresh basil leaves

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These veggie burgers are very tasty and also easy to prepare. Also great ... even the kids say they are yummie!

How to make Vegetarian Burgers

Start with the relish

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Chop 1 of the onions fine.

Peel and crush a garlic clove.

Bake it in 1 tbspoon olive oil.

Add the tinned tomatoes.

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Stir and allow the relish to cool.

Heat the butter and fry the 2 onions soft.

Let the onions simmer until soft on low heat.

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C

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Brush the portobello's clean and remove the stalks.

Drizzle approximately 1 tablespoon olive oil on the mushrooms.

Sprinkle with salt en pepper and bake for 10 minutes in the oven.

Cut the mozzarella ball in to four sturdy slices.

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Sprinkle the mushrooms on the inside generous with parmesan cheese.

Press a slice of mozzarella in each mushroom, melt the cheese in the oven in 7 minutes.

Toast the halved burger buns lightly.

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Vegetarian burger home

Cover the bottom half with sauce, the portobello, oninons, sauce again.

Serve the burgers with some shredded basil.

Made with vegetables by Rechtstreex!