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Kasteel in zicht

op avontuur in kastelen in Nederland en Vlaanderen
Dutch language, Reading Book, History, Science, and informative and educational
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Kasteel in zicht (Castle in sight)
Author: Ida Schuurman
Illustrator: Irene Goede
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: April 2017
Publishers: Fontaine Uitgevers BV
ISBN13: 9789059567214
Price: € 17.00
Age: 9 years and up

Kasteel in zicht sidepicll
The picture book Kasteel in zicht (Castle in sight) brings real castles in view, which can be visited in the Netherlands and in Flanders. In a fun way Ida Schuurman gives a lot of serious information to children, about life in a castle in the Middle Ages.
She works at The Muiderslot and she knows every nook and cranny there. She clearly explains all kinds of rules and customs from that time and this paints a vivid picture of the good and not so good life in those times.
Kasteel in zicht 01
Kasteel in zicht 02
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Exciting things happened in the time of knights and Ladies of the castle. The lay-out of the book has small inserts with good-to-knows, facts, and asides, so the reading never becomes boring. What a great book!

The beautiful illustrations by Irene Goede make the book complete. They give warmth through colour and make the book lively. Her work also plays a major role in the fun layout of the pages. The side illustrations at each chapter give a medieval look, even though the drawings are modern.

3 bright shining stars for Kasteel in zicht, from the listeners and the readers!