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Sparkly Christmas ornaments

homemade by Jona
Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, and Christmas
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What do you need?
silver and / or gold cardboard
hobby glue
punches, big and small (Pipoos, Xenos)
glitter (glue)
glittery Christmas wrapping paper (Xenos)
faux gems (Hema)
strings and ribbons

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Jonah wants to make decorations for the Christmas tree, the paper choice is not difficult for him. Gold or silver, of course! I have saved a pretty candy box that is completely silver on the inside. We are going to have fun recycling it because Jonah finds it beautiful.

You can draw or color on the punched out figures or paint them; clippings, small punch out figures, glitter or precious stones stickers; with glitter glue you can make figures or whatever you use to have fun with the decorations. Painted grains of rice and macaroni are nice too for example.

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Punch with a big puncher circles out of carton.

Little men need two hands for this job.

When the circles are cut out we can start decorating.

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With lots of glitter glue...

Jona makes different shapes.

He's trying his very best

The baubles and stars are turning out pretty.

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We cut little stars out of glitter paper as well.

We paste them on to decorate.

Also on the back of the ornaments.

Glue the ribbons and strings in between the fronts and backs. With a little knot on the top end you tie them off at the right length.

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We hang the ornaments in some twigs to let the glue dry...

... before we hang them on the tree.

It looks beautiful Jona, well done!!