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Children's Petting Zoo

De Kraal in Kralingen
Info and Vacation and Weekend Trips
De kraal home

Petting Zoo De Kraal
Langepad 60

3062 CJ Rotterdam

Telephone  010–4523666
Email kraal@natuurstad.nl
Opening hours
Daily 8.30 AM - 4.00 PM
More information about Petting Zoo De Kraal
De kraal sidepicll

De Kraal is the oldest petting zoo in Rotterdam, they were opened in 1967. There are so many different animals: special chickens; rabbits; guinea pigs; birds; pigs; goats: sheep; cows; donkeys and horses and maybe we're forgetting someone. We like to come and visit often, but today there was a special surprise!

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The peacocks have chicks! So funny, mother(s?) and kids just walk through the visitors, totally unruffled. They are used to visitors, so much is clear :)) Even the goat follows the peacock chicks with interest!

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The chickens, peacocks and fowl run loose, we meet them all. They set off alone or in a pack and cheerfully walk among the visitors. Even in the playground, were lots of kids run around and yell, laugh or are crying loudly, they wander around cheefully.

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De kraal 10

There is a pasture for the sheep, cows and goats and also one for the horses and donkeys. They also allow themselves to be gently stroked and cuddled by the children, even when the children are still very small. But be careful with your pram, the goats nibble on everything!

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De kraal 12

The guinea pig pen always attracts a lot of young visitors! The guinea pigs are so funny and fast! They run in and immediately out again and then the three of them sit on their balcony. Our mini monsters love them! On the way out we walk past the peacocks again, the chicks are so cute!

Go and have a look soon, they'll be big before you know it!