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Little Hares

made of carded wool
Spring, Waldorf crafts, Animal Crafts, Wool, Wool Felting , and Celebrations around the World
Wollen haasjes sidepic

What do you need?
sheep's wool
a piece of foam rubber or
a needle felting mat
a wool felt needle

Wollen haasjes homepage

Today we are making cute little hares from sheep's wool. They are not difficult to make but you do have to shape them a bit. Maybe try it a few times and loosen the wool and try again, then you will definitely succeed! If the hares succeed, they are so sweet and cute, the little monsters think so too ;)

How to make the little hares

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Pull a strand from the wool and smoothen it.

Tie a knot in the wool.

Tie the knot loosly.

Look carefully at your little hare, turn the knots a little if needed and tuck the loose end at the bottom neatly in

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Smoothen the tuft at the top.

Divide the tuft in two.

Roll a little ball of wool.

Prick the tail on the little hare.

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Roll the ears between you fingers.

We also make a friend for our little hare.

Now they are happy together!