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Kleuren (Colours)

Art history for Kids
Dutch language, Picture Book, Reading Book, History, Art, and informative and educational
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Kleuren (Colours)
Author: Ted van Lieshout
Illustrations: by various artists
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: August 2019
Publisher: Leopold
ISBN13: 9789025877309
Price: €15.99 (HC)
Age: 9 years and up

Kleuren sidepicll

An art book about colors and art, ranging from cave drawing to minimal art, for children, how fun is that? For 15.99 Ted van Lieshout shows us what colours are, what they (can) do to you and how colours can work together beautifully.

He tells us about how art originated and how it has developed over the centuries. A wonderful book that our young artists and museum visitors enjoy reading. It is very nicely written and there is a lot to look at!

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Above are some illustrations from the book from a bygone era. It is nice that attention is paid to different forms and techniques of art and how these works have been appreciated over time and are often or still trendy today. Sadly this book is not translated into English.

3+ colourful shining stars for Kleuren (Colours), from the listeners, artists, museum visitors and readers at snazzie!