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Cool raindrops

on our window
Paper & Cardboard and Waldorf crafts
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What do you need?
crayons in 3 blue tones
pencil sharpener
2 sheets of baking paper
1 needle and thread in 3 blue tones
stick or double clothes hanger

Iron (only adults)

Making raindrops as beautiful as in the video we can not. But ... we can make raindrops out of paper and those are very pretty too, our mini monsters say. Especially if you hang this spring shower in the window and the sun shines through.

How to make your own spring shower

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Shave slivers from the crayons.

Spead it out on the paper.

Sprinkle the 2nd colour blue on.

Finally sprinkle on the third blue.

Move the sheet with crayon slivers carefully to the ironing board and turn the iron on medium heat, no steam

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Cover with sheet 2 then iron.

The crayon slivers melt quickly.

Pull the sheets apart.

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Draw raindrops on the paper.

Cut out the raindrops.

Cut irregular threads.

Tie a drop on each end.

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It's a messy work, because crayon is falling off the drops.

Hang all raindrops on the stick then hang it in the window.

The other snazzie-kids said our spring shower is very pretty indeed!