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Kings crowns we bake

it's Kings Day!
Dutch, Pastry, With fresh fruit, and King's Day
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1 rol fresh puff pastry
150ml milk
10g custard powder
1 tablespoon cane sugar
4 fresh peaches
1 free range egg
icing sugar
Koningskroontjes sidepicll
On King's Day we make an old-fashioned pastry recipe that is still a favorite of our mini-monsters: the Orange Crowns. They are quickly ready and with fresh fruit and fresh puff pastry they will be extra delicious! We select a few beautiful peaches for it!

How to make the Kings Crowns
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Heat the milk - minus 2 tablespoons - on medium high heat.

Place the custard and sugar in a small bowl.

Stir it with the 2 tablespoons of milk until combined.

Add the mixture to the hot milk, keep stirring until it thickens.

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Pour the custard into a soup plate.

Cover the custard with cling film.

Place waxed paper on a baking tray.

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Cut the puff pastry into squares.

Place on the baking tray.

Peel and halve the peaches.

Lightly whisk the egg.

Preheat the oven to 200°C

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Heap custard in the center of the pastry.

Fold the points upwards.

Brush the pastry with egg.

Bake the crowns in the middle of the oven in 15 - 20 minutes golden brown.

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Allow the crowns to cool on a wire rack.

Sprinkle the Kings Crowns lightly with icing sugar.

Happy King's Day!