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Quickly make a crown from felt

tomorrow it is King's Day!
Wool Felt, Sewing, and King's Day
Crown sidepic

What do you need?
orange felt
optional yellow felt
matching yarn
needle ot sewing machine
tape measure

Crown sidepicll

With a strip of felt is this durable crown for King's Day quickly made and we were still up to our eyes in felt anyway ;) Now we are done with felt for a while, in May we craft very different things!

How to make the crown
Cut two strips of felt of 50x18 cm

Crown 01
Crown 02
Crown 03
Crown 04

Draw ptriangles from 10 cm wide.

Cut out the triangles.

Trim the two strips neatly.

Pin the strips together.

Use the blanket stitch if you are sewing by hand, it is quick and it looks nice

Crown 05
Crown 06
Crown 07

Cut off one end.

Measure the crown on the kid.

Stitch the underside and the triangles closed.

Crown 08
Crown home

Close the crown on the back, ready!

The crown's looking good on Bear, happy King's Day tomorrow!