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Spicy Speculaas Chocolate milk

the Sint is back in our country!
Waldorf recipes, Chocolate milk, With whipped Cream, and Sinterklaas
Speculaas chocolademelk sidepic

Shopping list
100g Tony's chocolate, milk or dark
400ml milk
2 tablespoons double cream
a dash of gingerbread spices
½ teaspoon of cinnamon

optional: whipped milk

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Even though it is not really cold yet, when waiting for Sinterklaas' boat to appear on TV, a warm drink is certainly very tasty. That is why we make hot chocolate today, with the scent of speculaas and cinnamon. Whipped milk on top with sprinkles makes this Sinterklaas drink really festive. With some (purchased) chocolate kruidnootjes on the side, it is actually becoming a tiny party!

How to make Speculaas Chocolate Milk

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Chop the chocolate finely.

Pour the milk in a sauce pan.

Add the cream to the milk.

Add the chocolate as well.

Bring the milk on low heat to a boil, but do not make it boil

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Stir the chocolate into the milk.

Add the cinnamon to the chocolate milk.

Add the gingerbread spices and stir.

Beat semi-skimmed milk in a milk frother or whip double cream, to you preference
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Speculaas chocolademelk home

Pour the hot chocolate into the cups.

Spoon whipped milk or cream on top and dust with sprinkles.

Delicious, this Speculaas Chocolate milk and we're so happy Sinterklaas has arrived in the country again!