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Gingerbread Cookie Cupcakes

Sinterklaas arrives in Holland today!
Cupcakes, Sinterklaas, With whipped Cream, and Biscuits
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Shopping list
125g butter
125g caster sugar
2 free-range organic eggs
100g self-raising flour
a pinch of salt
30g finely ground spice nuts
2 tablespoons milk
250 ml whipped cream
2 tablespoons caster sugar
spice nuts

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Finally! Today is the day, Sinterklaas is back in the country! That calls for a very special treat when we get home from his arrival. Hot chocolate is the tradition and today's treat is a gingerbread-cookie cupcake. Today will be a very special day again!
How to make gingerbread-cookie cupcakes
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Place the cookies in the food processor.

Grind until you have fine crumbs.

Place the crumbs in a large bowl.

Place 12 cupcake cases in a baking tin.

Preheat the oven to 175°C

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Add flour and salt to the crumbs.

Stir it all until combined.

Mix butter and sugar creamy.

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Add the eggs 1 by 1, while mixing.

Then fold in the flour mixture.

Add and stir in the milk.

Fill the cases up to ¾ with batter.

Place the baking tin on the rack in the middle of the preheated oven

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Bake the cupcakes +/- 20 minutes.

Until they are risen and cooked trough.

Check by pricking a skewer in the middle.

Allow the cupcakes to cool.

Let the cupcakes cool in the baking tin first and then on a wire rack

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Meanwhile whip the cream with the sugar.

Spoon the cream into a piping bag.

Pipe whipped cream rosettes on the cupcakes.

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Let the cream set in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Scatter sprinkles on top of the cupcakes or decorate with cookies.

We wish you all lots and lots of fun today!