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Goosberry jam

a British recipe
Waldorf recipes, British, With fresh fruit, Preserves, and Jam / compote / jelly
Kruisbessenjam sidepic

Shopping list
500g Gooseberries
500g Van Gilse Geleisuiker
1 tablespoon lemon juice
sterelized jars

With making jam you always begin a day early!

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Gooseberries are real summer berries, you can only buy them in July and August. In Great Britain the berries were never gone, with us they were old-fashioned for a long time. But now they are all back! We are happy that they are fully available again in the summer months!

How to make gooseberry jam

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Wash the fruit thoroughly before you remove the stems.

Weigh the clean fruit to know the exact weight.

Weigh exactly the same amount of gelei sugar.

Put the gooseberries in a large pan then add the sugar.

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Stir the sugar and the lemon juice into the berries.

Place the pan with the lid on top overnight in the fridge.

Day 2

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Place the pan on low heat until the sugar melts, then bring to the boil.

Lege cel...

Sterilize the jars while you wait on the jam to be ready.

Pulse the jam a second to make it a little bit finer.

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Fill the jars up to 1 cm beneath the rim then close them.

Place the well sealed jars upside down for 5 minutes.

Allow the jars to cool completely then keep them in the fridge.

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Kruisbessenjam home

We made little jars to taste already and a big jar for in winter :)

The Gooseberry jam tastes uber delicious, we should quickly make some more!

Download the tips from Van Gilse then your homemade jam will always be great!