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Art in The Hague

a series of beautiful picture books
Dutch language, Picture Book, Art, informative and educational, and Museum Book
Prentenboeken gemeente museum denhaag sidepic

Gemeente Museum Den Haag Kunstprentenboeken
Artist: various artists
Author: various authors
Illustrator:  various illustrators
Series: 20 picture books
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: mostly not
Publishers: Leopold
Published: 2010 and ungoing
Price: € 15.99
Age group: 7 - 12 jaar

Since 2010 Gemeente Museum the Hague, in collaboration with publisher Leopold, publishes art picture books for children, to go with every major exhibition. A great success because the books are regularly reprinted. Some of the books have been translated into English, like Delft Blue, A vase for the princess and Coppernickel goes Mondriaan.

Top left 2 books for 9 up to and including 12 year olds, from 2012, Mister Orange (Piet Mondrian, also in English) and 2013, The boy who disappeared into the wall (Rembrandt, not translated).

Below an overview of published books from this series up to now

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The art in the books is varied, it goes from pottery to painting, from sculpting to Haute couture. The art (ist) is approximated by the writers and illustrators in an original way, the books are colorful and playful. They stimulate the creativity of the mini-monsters who love the books and we do too!

3 sparkling stars for this brilliant bookseries by The Hague Gemeente Museum!