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Langues de chat

we call these French cookies cats tongues
With chocolate, French, and Biscuits
Kattentongen side

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125g butter
125g icing sugar
125g plain flour
3 free-range egg whites
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
a pinch of salt
50g chocolate (72% cocoa)

makes +/- 32 delicious cookies

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Outside the rain is still pouring so we bake cookies to go with our afternoon tea, so cozy, tea and cookies. This French recipe for the biscuits is more elegant and tastes more refined than our Dutch Cat Tongues. Ours are also nice but they taste more like shortbread. Because we are still in the vacation mood, we choose to bake the French today ;)


How to make Langues de Chat

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Weigh the butter and icing sugar.

Mix them creamy together.

Sift the right amount of flour into the cream.

Mix it together.

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Add the vanilla essence.

And the separated egg whites.

Mix it together into a fluffy batter.

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By now it should look like this.

Fold a piping bag over a high glass.

Fill it with the batter and unfold it.

Pipe stripes on the waxed paper.

Preheat the oven to 180°C already. Place a pan with a thin layer of water on low heat. Put a heat proof bowl on the pan to melt the chocolate. This is called 'au bain marie'.

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Place the cookies in the fridge for 20 minutes.

Pipe the remaining batter on waxed paper.

Bake the cookies for 10 minutes in the preheated oven.

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Take them out when they colour light brown.

Melt the chocolate au bain marie.

Dip the cookies half way into the chocolate.

Kattentongen promo ii
Kattentongen promo i

Let the chocolate dry on a sheet of waxed paper.

We leave the second batch au naturel, also delicious!

These cookies dissappear before your eyes!