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Learn fingerknitting

in the easiest way
Waldorf crafts, Animal Crafts, Wool, and Needlework
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What do you need?
3 colours of thick wool
a pair of scissors
2 wooden beads
a small piece of red felt
matching colours yarn
a needle
a large darning needle

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In our monsters school all the children learn how to knit with their fingers. Once they get it right, they crochet strings of 1 meter long! Such fun to see them so busy. The younger children find it difficult at first but soon they happily get on with it. They even sing while working.

This is how finger knitting goes and when it works out we make a snake

You first learn to make a magic loop, which is a loop that you can make larger and smaller, without this loop you cannot knit
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Place a thread before you like you see in the picture.

Slide the long thread underneath the circle.

Pick up the thread in the circle between thumb and index.

Hold the top firmly and pull on both the threads.

Now you have made a magic loop

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Pull the thread through the loop and make the loop smaller.

Make a large loop smaller by gently pulling the long thread.

Make the loop big enough for you thumb and index finger.

Repeat the finger knitting by pulling the thread through the loop, until it is as long as you want the snake to be

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Cut off the thread.

Make a loop and pull the thread through.

Pull the thread tight and the end is tied.

Knit 2 more strands in the same way, but use different colours

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When the 3 starnds are done braid the strands.

Tie the undersides together and braid right over left..

Braid the 3 strands together like this, into a thick braid.

Tie the three ends together into one tight knot.

Since this snake making craft is finger knitting for beginners, we will do everything in the easiest way possible

This is the most easy way to make the head:
Make another knot but do not pull the ends through but the braid

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Tie a bigger, loose knot, over the little knot.

Stick loose threads through the snake.

Now make the eyes and tongue.

Sew the wooden beads (the eyes) on the snake's head and cut a tongue out of red felt

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Vinger haken homepage

Sew the tongue tightly into the snake's head.

Now your snake is done!

You did a very good job! Now that ou know how to finger knit. we'll make a different animal next time :))