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Cute finger puppets

for Easter
Wool Felt, Sewing, Needlework, Dolls, and Easter
Paas popjes sidepic

What do you need?
scraps of felt in various colours
matching colours embroidery yarn
a pointed embroidery needle
hobby glue

Paas popjes sidepicll
For Easter we make cute finger puppets from leftover felt. We make a chicken, a chick and a hare and also 3 Easter eggs, so we can give a whole performance, while we still have to remain inside on Easter Day!

How to make the Easter finger puppets
Download and print the pattern then cut out the parts.
Paas popjes 01
Paas popjes 02
Paas popjes 03
Paas popjes 04

Pin the patterns on the felt and cut them out.

Pin the parts together but wings, ears and forlock in between.

Pin all together and put a thread in your needle.

Tie on then sew with small basting stitches the parts together.

Please mind! While you sew make sure you attach the small parts - like the wings, forlocks and ears of the hare - firmly in between!

Paas popjes 05
Paas popjes 06

Are all the puppets ready then stick on paws, beaks, dots etc. using hobby glue.

Let the glue dry well and then you can have a performance with your Easter finger puppets.