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Lola is een prinses

A Christmas story about Lola Hamster
Dutch language, Picture Book, Christmas, Animal Books, and Funny
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Lola is een prinses
(Lola is a Princess)
Author: Carl Norac
Illustrator: Claude K. Dubois
Series: Lola Hamster (7 parts)
Original language: French
Translated into Dutch by: J.H. giver
Translated into English: not
Published: October 2008
Publisher: Gottmer
ISBN13: 9789025744236
Price: € 12.50 (HC)
Age: 4 years and older

Lola is een prinses sidepic
The Lola books by Belgian children's author Carl Norac and illustrator Claude K. Dubois are older but still loved. They are about a little hamster, Lola, who has a heart of gold. She experiences all kinds of adventures with her friends. In December we read the Christmas book about Lola to the little mini-monsters, Lola is a Lola is a Princess.

Under the Christmas tree Lola finds a very beautiful crown, made of gold paper. Exactly what she whished for Christmas because Lola very much wants to be a real princess. When Lola visits grandma later on, there is another present for her, a pink crown! Lola is so happy! She puts both crowns on her head and feels very princessy.

Lola is een prinses 01
Lola is een prinses 02
Lola is een prinses 03
Lola is een prinses 03

We already knew that Lola is a very sweet hamster, when her friend falls and hurts herself, Lola comforts her friend with her pink crown. Will Lola become a real princess at the end of the story? Borrow this Lola book from your library or wish for it under the Christmas tree, then you can read all about it!

3 royally golden stars for Lola is a Princess, from the snazzie mini monsters!