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Lucia Morning In Sweden

a wonderful picture book
English language, Picture Book, Waldorf Books, and Celebrations around the World
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Lucia Morning in Sweden
Author: Ewa Rydeaker
Illustrator: Carina Stahlberg
Original language: English
Translated into Dutch: not
Published: June 2014
Publisher: Nodin Press
EAN: 9781935666653
Price: €9.95 (paperback)
Age: 4 years old and up

Lucia morning in sweden sidepic

For those who are not familiar with the festival of Lucia celebrated in Sweden, Lucia Morning in Sweden is a perfect book to read aloud to the children in December. The (unfortunately not translated into Dutch, published in paperback) picture book was written by the Swedish Ewa Rydeaker, who lives in America, and illustrated by Carina Stahlberg.


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The story is about how the festival is celebrated but in the back of the book you can also read where it originally came from. You  find the Saint Lucia song that is sung everywhere on this day, patterns for the traditional children's clothing and the recipe for the cookies that the children in the book bake. How fun is that?

3 bright shining stars for Lucia morning in Sweden, from the little listeners and their readers!