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Make an animal pillow

for a little one
Sewing and embroidery, Animal Crafts, Fabrics, and Needlework
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What do you need?
1 meter cute animal fabric
sewing yarn
a sewing machine

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Snazzie's youngest mini-monster chose the fabric, he is very fond of animals, giraffes in particular. It is a jersey fabric so it is difficult to sew on a regular sewing machine. There's a lot of stretch in the fabric. Especially when you are a starting  seamstress first lace the pieces together and then stitch them on the sewing machine.

How to make an Animal Pillow

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Cut for a 50x50 cm pillow a piece of fabric of 55x55cm and one of 55x80cm.

Pin on the bottom of both pieces of fabric a seam of 2.5 centimeter.

Thread a thick string of yarn in a contrasting colour through the seams.

Pull the fabric smooth before you start with sewing.

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Sew the seam gently on the sewing machine without pulling the fabric.

Pull the threads out of the fabric.

You can cut the thread to pull it out easy.

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Place the fabric pieces on each other, the animals inside.

Pin the fabric together on the top side, leave sides others open

Thread the fabric together with the coloured yarn.

Do mind all animals stand in the same direction from top to bottom.

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Flip the long side of fabric back up, keep the under sides even.

Pin and thread the sides, then sew the topside and both sides together.

Turn the pillow cover inside out and you've made a pillowcase closure.

Close the bottom of the cushion cover with extra snaps on which you sew buttons in bright colours or attach ribbons and tie it closed. Is the pillow for a very young child do not use snaps, buttons or ribbon, due to choking hazard. Sew the border closed with a blanket stitch for now and later finish it off nicely.