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Make an Easter Bunny

of felt
Wool Felt, Sewing and embroidery, Easter, and Animal Crafts
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What do you need?
pattern (download and cut out)
colored felt
matching embroidery thread
an embroidery needle
woolen filling

Haasjes homepage
We make Easter bunnies from felt for the little monsters and we also make a sleeping bag for them. They really like the monsters so they are also perfect for snazzie. Download the pattern and download it. Sew the outer edges with the blanket stitch, and sew the small parts with small running stitches.
How to make the Easter Bunnies
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Pin the pattern on the felt.

Cut it out of the felt.

Cut out the parts marked 2 again.

Pin the felt parts together.

Set the carrot parts aside for now, make the Easter Bunny first
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Do not pin those parts together yet.

Cut out the small parts first.

Inner ears, tummy and 4 paws.

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Thread the inner ears on the ears.

Always tie on firmly.

Do not tie off, first sew the second ear.

Sew on the tummy.

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Tie off the tread firmly.

Embroider the nose and the eyes.

Embroider 3 tiny, pink stitches together

For the eyes, embroider 3 small, brown stitches next to each other, upward (sleeping) or downward (smiling)

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Pin the front and back together, the paws in between.

Sew the bunny all around but leave the bottom open.

Fill the bunny and then sew the bottom closed.

Before we forget, a close up of the eyes.

Blanket stitch the hind legs all around, attached to the body and your Easter bunny is ready

Now we finish the carrot / sleeping bag

Pin the 2 parts of the leave together and the 3 carrot parts too


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Blanket stitch the 2 parts of the leaf all around together.

Tie off all loose ends firmly!

Place the leaf between the carrot parts.

Blanket stitch the 3 carrot parts all around together.

Blanket stitch also the loose back of the carrot

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Now your Easter Bunny is ready but we make another. :))

We also make some little carrots!

Happy Easter!