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Make a Toadstool Lantern

Martinmas is coming soon!
Cutting & Pasting, Waldorf crafts, Winter, Lantern , and Celebrations around the World
Paddenstoelen lantaarn sidepic

What do you need?
a sheet of photo cardboard
a pencil and ruler
a stanley knife
various colours kite paper
a perforator
a glue stick
hobby glue
a lancing device and wire
a candle or a LED light

Paddenstoelen lantaarn sidepicl

This year we are making a mushroom lantern for Sint Maarten. It was not a difficult choice. We have already seen many different ones this autumn, in the Trompenburg Gardens and also in the Kralingse Bos. The little monsters love nothing more than a good mushrooms search at the moment!

How to make a Paddensteoelen lantern

Download the pattern

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Measure it out and draw it on the cardboard

Neatly cut out the three pattern parts using the Stanley knife.

Score the cardboard on the folding lines (striped lines on the pattern).

Here you see the 3 parts when they are folded.

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Print the window, cut it out and trace it.

Cut out 4 windows from the sides of the lantern.

Stick kite paper behind the windows.

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Allow the glue to dry well.

Glue the bottom together.

Cut out the toadstools.

Punch dots out of the red hats.

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Stick the toadstools on the windows.

Allow the glue to dry well!

Make the second halve too and let it dry.

Press the glued parts firmly together and then wait until the glue has dried comepletelye

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Spread glue on both side strips.

Stick the 2 parts together.

Stick the square over the bottom.

Stick the wire through the lantern.

Paddenstoelen lantaarn sidepicll
Paddenstoelen lantaarn promo

Now we wait until it's dark.

The little monsters give a thumbs up!

Wishing you a happy Michaelmas!