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Make a Haunted house

of woor or cardboard
Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, Halloween, and Woodworking
Spookhuis sidepic

What do you need?
piece of plywood
pencil & ruler
miter box
a drill and a jigsaw
strong glue and glue clamps
acylic paint and brushes
foam in black, white and orange 
yellow transparent paper

Today we have a big job planned! We're making a haunted house out of wood, plywood to be precise. Why? Because we enjoy sawing and crafting with wood and also because we can use the house again next year, for Halloween.

We saw windows and a door in it, so we can put candles inside and the light will shine through the windows. Very cozy ;)) Tip: you can use a small handsaw or you can use the jigsaw, my favorite! In the video (in Dutch!) you can see exactly how to use a jig saw.

How to make a Haunted House

Download the PDF for our measurements or to trace and start with sawing!



You can download the PDF for our measurements
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Draw the house parts on plywood.

Saw out with a handsaw or a jigsaw.

Saw the front of the house.

Saw 2 sides and 2 roof parts.

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Finally saw the base of the house, all the sizes are on the PDF.

Saw two beams already, to stick in the corners later on.

Later on the sides will be attached to the beams.

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Draw a door and windows on the front and drill holes.

Saw out the windows using the jigsaw (video). 

Loosen the saw, put it through the hole then tighten it.

Sand it all using a sandpaper nail file. 

How to stick the house together

Glue tips!
  • Place glue clamps on all glued parts (where possible) and let the glue dry overnight
  • If you - like us - use contact glue, then use it according the manufacturer's instructions
  • Do not forget to always lubricate both sides, which is why this glue is called contact glue
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Stick the beams on the back.

Stick both sides on the beams.

Stick the first roof-part on the house. 

Glue a small beam between the roof parts to provide the roof with a larger adhesive surface, allow to dry thoroughly again
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Stick the second part of the roof on the house.

Neatly glue a slat on top of the roof.

Paint the base in the colour of your choice.

Or use multiple colours of paint, let it dry well.

Saw two slats to make an untidy fence on the base

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Stick the slats on the base.

Stick broken popsicle sticks on the slats.

Paint the fence in a gloomy colour.

Paint the Haunted House

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Paint the roof and let it dry.

Paint the house, let it dry.

Paint the door, let it dry.

Paint the blinds in 2 fases.

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When the paint has completely dried stick the blinds in the side windows. 

Stick yellow paper on the inside of the house, behind the windows.


Glue the house on the base and the door in the opening, a little ajar.

Cut out the Halloween figures from our PDF, trace them on foam and cut them out
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Stick the Halloween figures on the Haunted House.

The mini-monsters put the peg dolls we made last year around the house.

Put lights in your Haunted House and then Happy Halloween!